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Свадьба #2

Textile care

Cleaning cloth for wedding dress (min. the amount of the order is 1000 rubles)

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Removes harmful substances from wedding dresses. Removes dirt, dust, street dirt, fresh household stains (wine, coffee, oil, lipstick, etc.) without leaving traces on the material.

Use as needed.

How to use

Remove the contamination with a cloth and let things dry. Do not clean linen cloth. Only removes fresh stains, with the exception of pollution from chemical and food dyes. It is possible to use as a stain remover before washing or dry cleaning. For removing difficult stains or basic cleaning, contact the professionals. With apparel from composite materials of different colors remove the pollution segments. Before using, try the product on an inconspicuous area of the product. If in doubt use the tool, contact the specialists.

What’s inside

Свадьба #1
Cleaning cloth for wedding dress (min. the amount of the order is 1000 rubles)
Cleanser for fur products (min. the amount of the order is 1000 rubles)

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